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VX8 Maker

A member registered Jun 05, 2021

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me after finish game / me after this commentDean Norris' Reaction | Know Your Meme

really fun,  art style is really well made and the mechanics were fun to use, the only problem i had was the lighting between rooms, but honestly, its not really such a big of a problem so yeah, good game

I really liked this game, i saw the alpha test on youtube and decided to try it, and it was really fun

Dawgg wdym the boss fight was hard? I literally did it first try noob

No shit, i thought this was going to be a bad game, but damn this was SO GOOD. The voice acting was good, it was scary, and really fun, the boss fight was epic, and spongebob shooting the dude was pretty fucking cool. Keep doing games like these please

which rpg maker is thi

creo que no se puede, debido a que el juego entero no usa texturas no esta programado para usar texturas, bueno, quizás y si se puede pero yo no lo se, bueno espero que todo este bien :D

eso es  facil, en donde le das a guardar, (creo que era file), le das a exportar, y le pones como .obj. espero que esto ayude :)

imagine toby fox goes one day like: "hmmm im gonna make undertale 2 so my fans happi

and then this guy does like:


bro como sabias que hablo español?? bueno para poder cambiar los modelos yo me meto a los modelos del juego, si no mal recuerdo eran archivos .obj (ya no tengo el juego instalado) despues me voy al blender y los importo y los modifico, despues voy a los archivos y los meto y funcionan perfectamente, si no entiendes algo dimelo

i just had a dream about a prequel that reveals that catboy sans and the rat are brothers... and that theyre in their childhood house and its infested by bugs... what the fuck?

something that i realised while playing the game is that venus is a girl. and we are searching for jupiter... well turns out that in roman religion there are gods, and two of them are "jupiter" and "venus", jupiter is a dude and venus is a girl... is this game shipping two roman gods? or are they a couple in roman religion? idk roman religion is literally greek religion copy and pasted lmao

i realised that you can change the game's models, i've made some fucked up things...

fiv nit at fredi 😯

the game is good, but the controls are ASS

who else is here because of qzeq 💀

rompi el juego y sali del mapa, tambien lo hice en la parte 2

oye como se hace este tipo de juego? aver se que se usa unity pero que plantilla se usa? estoy seguro que usas una plantilla para hacer esto, mira el link de este juego es lo mismo, quiero saber si se usa una plantilla